Our Products

Laser card printers


A fully modular card personalization system


Designed to target multiple markets including Financial, ID, Transport, Loyalty, Telecom and others, the Smart Evol 1000 is a mid-range card personalization system that perfectly fits between Central Issuance and Desktop systems.

Performance and productivity
Designed to run 24 hours/day, this very robust equipment can reach 1,000 cards/hour, depending on chip encoding time and printing time. It also integrates very powerful chip encoders allowing reducing the chip encoding time and therefore allowing keeping a high machine throughput.

Full modularity
Its unique modular architecture on the market allows to quickly add or remove modules to respond to new project requirements.
Adding a module only takes few minutes, thanks to an efficient cableness plug & play concept.

Easy maintenance
The full modularity of the equipment facilitates its maintenance as any module that needs an intervention can be easily shipped to STS and immediately replaced by another one.

Large choice of laser solutions
This very compact module allows engraving text, photos, bar codes and other images on the card surface using laser technology. Various laser powers, brands and technologies (fiber, CO2, UV ...) are supported, allowing printing on various card material including PVC, ABS, polycarbonate, PET, and metal.

Able to personalize metal cards
The input module, as well as all other personalization modules, are able to personalize metal cards (steel, tungsten, aluminium, and other materials). The system supports the extra weight of the cards, including at the input and output modules. It can handle very rigid cards. The Smart Evol 1000 laser module provides excellent results when printing on metal cards.

Easy customization by STS
The open architecture of the Smart Evol 1000 allows to quickly integrate specific requirements, such as the use of specific lasers, specific couplers, specific vision control. Any request for a customization will be first studied by STS.
