Our products


PRO series


CAM 8080 is our prime card mailing station. The system verifies data accuracy, the application of the card on the carrier and is also equipped with a station for card folding and enveloping. CAM 8080 (Card Affixing & Mailing System) is designed for medium and high production volumes with focus on card mailing solution.

CAM 8080 card mailing station was created to complete Pro Series line providing excellent stand-alone or online communication. Thanks to LinkWare technology CAM 8080 can operate connected to other Pro Series solutions completing issuance process from card personalization to enveloping and mailing.

Brand-new HP card and carrier systems and special optimization for the application of adhesives ensure perfect functionality of CAM 8080 as card enveloping station providing 1,800 cards per hour. The replacement of the belt is extremely fast with consequent very low downtimes.

CAM 8080 can be configured with different data-capture stations such as barcode reader on card front and back or Vision-Inspection systems for checking card data (or 2D Datamatrix).

CAM 8080 card mailing solution offer additional reading function for magnetic stripes as well as for contact and contactless chip encoding. The transportation inside the machine is performed exclusively with rollers and belts, completely eliminating the risk of scratching during card handling.

CAM 8080 can be upgraded with an optional station for application of an adhesive security label to protect the card. Application of a plasticized adhesive covers the card providing dual function: keeping it attached to the carrier and saves it from external elements for card protection and data security. This solution ensures protection from possible fraud attempts thanks to the anti-counterfeiting tongue that prevents its removal without leaving obvious signs of tampering.

Card protection and data security features are followed by envelopping with the help of MAXIMAILER PLUS HPi preparing it for delivery to the card holder.


CAM 8080 with printer for personalized carrier printing in real time
CAM 8080 Stream Feeder with feeder stream station for preprinted carriers
CAM 8080 HIGH PERFORMANCE featuring both printer and stream feeder in universal solution.

Our team will help to discover complete range of CAM 8080 features and delivery options.